On the wall of the former Kurpfälzische Kellerei in Zollstraße 4 there is a special sculpture of a lion's head from the year 1505.
This is a three-storey, plastered rubble stone building with a gabled staircase. The house at Biergasse 28 was built in 1670 by the Schultheißen family of Meurers as a residence and administrative seat. The family served as Schultheiß from 1588 to…
60% gradient - 100% wine experience in the Koblenzer Marienberg. At the Schwaab Winery, visitors can experience the culture of wine on the Terrassenmosel during wine tastings in the historic rock cellar, guided tours of vineyards in Koblenz's…
Food - Drink - Music One of the oldest gastronomic establishments in the city - the pub has been run by Andernach landlord Piet Manns since 1987. Informal, cosy atmosphere, four types of beer on tap, changing menu with always fresh products from…
On the occasion of the 2000th anniversary of the town of Remagen, the idea of a permanent art project along the banks of the Rhine was developed in cooperation with the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck. A sculpture bank with 15 works by renowned artists…
Visit the Koblenz cable car and Ehrenbreitstein Fortress as a special excursion destination. The breathtaking cable car ride across the Rhine up to Ehrenbreitstein Fortress should not be missed on any visit to Koblenz. Enjoy a spectacular view of…
Mustard is one of the oldest spices and its production is an ancient craft. The oil and mustard mill of Rheinwerkstatt Boppard produces in the listed monastery building of the Bethesda-St. Martin many varieties of savory seasoning as well as various…
Former monastery of Franciscan Brothers
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Jo Harbort "Begegnung", verschiedenfarbiger Marmor, Stahl, H: 73, B: 57, T: 37cm
Werner Brattig "Doppelkopf" / Stahl, H: 85, B: 100, T: 115cm
Otmar Alt "Elephant" 1994 /Corten Steel H:220 W:100 cm
Sculpture park "Figure 1" by Heinrich Demel stainless steel H:360 cm
Sculpture park - art work by Georg Ahrens 1992 and 1993 / H:100 W: 85 D:300 cm
Sculpture without a name ???