View of Bacharach | © Friedrich Gier

“Upper Middle Rhine Valley” UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Valley of the Loreley

Beneath me flows the Rhine, and, like the stream of time, it flows amid the ruins of the past...

The Valley of the Loreley: arguably the most beautiful and romantic stretch of the Rhine, is only 64 km long, and in 2002 it was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Between Deutsches Eck at Koblenz and the Mäuseturm at Bingen, over 40 castles, palaces and fortresses – some of them ruined – testify to the region’s illustrious past. Kings, princes, counts and bishops: they all built their own castles on the Rhine, where they levied tolls to help fill their coffers.

Today things are a lot more peaceful; the Valley of the Loreley is one of Germany’s most popular tourist destinations and the romantic Rhine is visited by people from all over the world.

People love to celebrate here, preferably in the company of good-humoured guests. And there are numerous opportunities to do so all year round.
Rhenish hospitality has a long tradition, which guests can enjoy with all modern comforts.

We invite you to embark on your own journey of discovery through the Valley of the Loreley with its culture, its culinary delights, its wine and its people. We look forward to seeing you!


the Valley of the Loreley


the Valley of the Loreley


the Valley of the Loreley

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Valley of the Loreley


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Zweckverband Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal UNESCO Welterbestätten Deutschland e.V. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission