Stephanie Zimmer | © Stephanie Zimmer

Friday, 21.02.2025

Remagener Kultur - Stephanie Zimmer

Josefstraße 1, 53424 Remagen

The magic of the harp - harp sounds from five centuries

Harpist Stephanie Zimmer already wowed audiences in Remagen in 2023 as part of the ‘Duo for 3’ with cellist Luise Frappier and flautist Frank von Häfen. Now she returns to the foyer of the Rheinhalle in Remagen with her top-class solo programme ‘Magic of the Harp - Harp Music from 5 Centuries’.

Stephanie Zimmer was born in Cologne and received her first harp lessons at the age of eight. She studied at the Cologne Academy of Music with Mrs Potuloff-Schad and passed her final examinations with distinction in 1991. She completed her studies in 1993 with the concert exam. Since 1992 she has been the solo harpist of the Rheinische Philharmonie State Orchestra in Koblenz, with whom she has already recorded two CDs.

As a sought-after chamber musician, Stephanie Zimmer also performs regularly outside the major orchestras in various formations. She was a founding member of the ‘German-Soviet Young Philharmonic Orchestra’ under Valeriy Gergiev and a member of the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra under conductor Leonard Bernstein. These experiences have shaped her to this day.

She is passionate about playing a concert harp made by Joseph Löffler from Wiesbaden.

Remagener Kultur - Stephanie Zimmer

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53424 Remagen Josefstraße 1
Touristinformation Remagen
Josefstraße 1
53424 Remagen

Phone: (0049) 2642 20187

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  • 21.02.2025
