Bernhard Hoecker | © Morris MacMatzen

Friday, 24.01.2025

Remagener Kultur - Bernhard Hoëcker

Josefstraße 1, 53424 Remagen

Tomorrow, everything was better yesterday

‘Bernhard Hoëcker's sixth solo programme is warming up.

The comedian will once again be looking after the well-being of humanity and helping it to climb his mental ladder. What is the right way to see things in life? Is there a right way at all, or is there almost only a wrong way? What is it all about anyway? Sustainable, vegan or speechless? Bernhard Hoëcker puts facts on all the touchstones beforehand and marinates, twists, dissects and turns them on his mental grill. Only then is the food served.

What about autonomous driving? Are they doing everything right or are they getting it a bit wrong? Or is someone just getting it really wrong and the philanthropists are creeped out? Why is our language falling apart? Or is that not right again? Autopilot Bernhard Hoëcker tackles these and many other problems before he pesters his audience with them, thrills them and releases them into free fall.

One thing is for sure: the key influencer from the comedy squad is armed with knowledge and insight. You simply can't afford to miss this and should definitely take a slice.

Remagener Kultur - Bernhard Hoëcker

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53424 Remagen Josefstraße 1
Touristinformation Remagen
Josefstraße 1
53424 Remagen

Phone: (0049) 2642 20187

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  • 24.01.2025
