Wednesday, 30.10.2024

Bundesjugendhilfe Musikprojekt

In der Sayner Hütte 4, 56170 Bendorf-Sayn

Final concert of the federal aid music project

Final concert of the federal aid music project in the Krupp Hall at Sayner Hütte

 For 34 years now, the Federal Youth Aid Music Project has been providing musical support for disadvantaged children and young people from all over Germany with a great deal of commitment and many volunteers. Following the anniversary event at Ehrenbreitstein Fortress in 2015, the Federal Youth Aid Music Project has once again been invited to the region. The Federal Youth Aid Project will present its entire repertoire - choir, rock and pop bands, hip-hop, beatboxing and drumming - which is created during project days at the RLP State Music Academy in Engers. As a highlight, the young people will be supported by the band Stingchronisity, which made it far in the band competition "The Tribute", which will be broadcast by Sat 1 in summer 2024.

Bundesjugendhilfe Musikprojekt

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56170 Bendorf-Sayn In der Sayner Hütte 4
Stiftung Sayner Hütte
In der Sayner Hütte 4
56170 Bendorf-Sayn

Phone: (0049) 2622 98 49 550
E-mail: info@saynerhuette.org

Plan route

  • 30.10.2024
