15:00 - 22:00
Weinprobierstand Eltville
Platz von Montrichard, 65343 Eltville am Rhein
The Eltville wine tasting station on the Rhine promenade is a collaborative project by eight Eltville wineries.
The Eltville wine tasting stand on the Rhine promenade is a joint project of eight Eltville wineries.
Since 1981, the eight vintners have been serving their Rheingau Riesling and Pinot Noir wines on the most beautiful Rhine promenade in the Rheingau. As early as 1975, the Eltville wineries opened a small wine stand in the town area and were among the first in the Rheingau. With the move to the Eltville Rhine bank and the investment in the pretty pavilion in 1985, the wine tasting stand increasingly became a model of success. Today, the unmistakably characteristic pavilion on the banks of the Rhine in Eltville is an integral part of the Eltville townscape and continues to enjoy increasing popularity among the Eltville residents themselves and guests from all over the world!
The Eltville winegrowers present their products there in weekly rotation, whereby you will always find the "next" company on Wednesdays. On the first Sunday of the month during the season, the traditional Frühschoppenkonzert, organized and co-financed by the Verkehrsverein e.V. Eltville, takes place. In a wonderfully quiet atmosphere between the old town and the Rhine, people meet to end the day, have nice conversations and, of course, get to know the wide variety of wines and sparkling wines. Stop at the Eltville wine tasting booth and enjoy a glass of wine while you are cycling or walking along the Rhine.
We look forward to your visit!
Booth Staffing 2024:
Jan – 20. März Open on the weekends
20. – 26.03. Weingut Ries - Season opening
27.03. - 02.04. Weingut Jonas
03. - 09.04. Weingut Offenstein Erben
10. - 16.04. Weingut Koegler
17. – 23.04. Weingut Ems-Post
24. - 30.04. Weinland Rheingau eG
01. - 07.05. Weingut Koegler
05.05. Frühschoppenkonzert
08. - 14.05. Weingut H.J. Ernst
15. - 21.05. Weingut Offenstein Erben
22. - 28.05. Weingut Ries
29.05. - 04.06. Weingut Adam Hulbert
02.06. Frühschoppenkonzert
05. - 11.06. Weingut Ems-Post
12. - 18.06. Weinland Rheingau eG
19. - 25.06. Weinland H.J. Ernst
26. - 02.07. Weingut Jonas
03. – 09.07. Weingut Offenstein Erben
05. – 08.07. Sekt- und Biedermeierfest
10. - 16.07. Weingut Adam Hulbert
17. - 23.07. Weingut Koegler
24. - 30.07. Weingut Ries
31.07. - 06.08. Weingut Jonas
04.08. Frühschoppenkonzert
07. - 13.08. Weingut Offenstein Erben
14. - 20.08. Weinland Rheingau e.G.
21. - 27.08. Weingut Koegler
28.08. - 03.09. Weingut Ems-Post
01.09. Frühschoppenkonzert
04. - 10.09. Weingut Adam Hulbert
11. - 17.09. Weingut H.J. Ernst
18. - 24.09. Weingut Jonas
25.09. - 01.10. Weingut Ries
02. - 08.10. Weingut Ems-Post
09. - 15.10. Weingut H.J. Ernst
16. - 22.10. Weingut Adam Hulbert
23. – 29.10. Weinland Rheingau e.G.
30.10. - 05.11. Weinland Rheingau e.G.
01. – 04.11. Eltviller Weinlesefest und Kappeskerb
Winter opening hours: Friday and Saturday from 3 pm Sunday and public holiday from 1 pm
08. - 10.11. Weingut H.J. Ernst
15. - 17.11. Weingut H.J. Ernst
22. - 24.11. Weingut H.J. Ernst
ab 27.12. Glühweinausschank
Jan – März 2025 an den Wochenenden geöffnet