Neue TI Remagen seit Juli 2024 (außen) | © Stadt Remagen | Carina Voigt

Touristinformation Remagen

Josefstraße 1, 53424 Remagen

The Remagen Tourist Information Centre offers its guests a wide range of information about Remagen, tips for excursions in the surrounding area, hiking and cycling.
In addition to expert advice from our team, we offer the following services:

Advance ticket sales for events
Souvenir sales and sales of hiking and cycling maps
Booking of guided tours
Arrangement of accommodation / distribution of the host directory

A disabled toilet is located in the passage way opposite to the historic town hall, approx. 200 metres away.

Touristinformation Remagen

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53424 Remagen Josefstraße 1
Touristinformation Remagen
Josefstraße 1
53424 Remagen

Phone: (0049) 2642 20187

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