10:00 - 17:00
Tourist Information Rüdesheim
Rheinstrasse 29a, 65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein
The Tourist Information Rüdesheim is your first stop for Information and guidance to Rüdesheim on Rhine, Assmannshausen and the surroundings. Guests and day tourists find answers and suggestions to many, sometimes extroardinary questions. Also residents of Rüdesheim and the Rheingau retrieve information, book tickets for touristic offers or events and let us inspire them when planing their leisure time.
Would you like take part on a round trip or an event or would you like to hike and enjoy nature or do you have questions?
We will gladly help you plan your stay and make it to an experience worth remembering - if allone, with your family or as a group.
We can send you brochures before hand and offer you the possibility to plan your stay as easy as possible.
Do you need accommodation? No problem, just send us an e-mail or have a look at our booking portal. We can create accommodation offers or package deals for you and book these if wished.
You are very welcome to visit us during your stay. Get inspired with ideas or small souvenirs and explore the southern gate to the UNESCO world heritage of the upper middle rhine valley.
We are lokking forward to seeing you!
Your team of the Tourist Information Rüdesheim.