St. Dionysius Kirche Rhens | © TI Erlebnis Rheinbogen

St. Dionysius Church Rhens

Mainzer Straße 4, 56321 Rhens

St. Dionysius Church is located on a hill south of the old town and outside the city walls. The gem served as a parish church until 1908 and is located in the middle of the cemetery.

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The foundation of the church: the rare patrocinium of Dionysius (first bishop of Paris, died as a martyr in the 3rd century AD) indicates its great age. Already for the year 874 the existence of a church in Rhens is provable - whether it was at the same location is not sure, but very likely, because the cemetery at the church was already used as a burial place during the Frankish period. Corresponding finds were made during the construction of the bypass road. The present preserved building substance goes back to the 11th century, the oldest preserved building stock is the Romanesque west tower with rhombic roof from the time around 1200. The nave and the choir in the forms of the latest Gothic belong to the 15th century. In the late Middle Ages, the church must have been extensively rebuilt - perhaps at the same time as the town was founded and the wall was built - because the choir and nave are late Gothic and date from this time. When the Reformation was also introduced in Rhens in 1528, the church was again repaired, but not - as is often read - the entire nave was rebuilt. The late Gothic depiction of St. Christopher on the south wall of the nave as well as the aversion of the Protestants to images of saints speak against this claim. The church served as a place of worship for Protestants until 1629. During this time, the 30-year European War (1618-1648) also raged, with its accompanying famines and waves of plague. It is believed that the Marian shrine and the Stations of the Cross, both of which lead up to this old church, were built at that time. The interior of the church is also worth seeing: High altar, pulpit, wooden ceiling and gallery were decorated in baroque style in the course of the Counter-Reformation around 1700. The last extensive renovation inside and outside took place between 1987-1996. Source: Alexander Ritter; Torsten Schrade; Dehio; ed. Edited by S.G.

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St. Dionysius Kirche Rhens | © TI Erlebnis Rheinbogen
Altarraum | © Tourist-Information Erlebnis Rheinbogen

St. Dionysius Church Rhens

From 09.12.2022 until the 31.12.2025

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56321 Rhens Mainzer Straße 4
St. Dionysiuskirche
Mainzer Straße 4
56321 Rhens

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