Rheinfähre Bad Breisig- Bad Hönnignen | © Tourist-Information Bad Breisig

05:30 - 23:00

Rhine ferry Bad Breisig - Bad Hönningen (car and passengers)

Römerbergstr. 17, 56598 Rheinbrohl

Car ferry Bad Breisig - Bad Hönningen
Hirzmann GmbH. The ferry for commuters, friendly - fast - reliable. We safely bring you from shore to shore!
For more information, please refer to the homepage.

Auto ferry Bad Breisig - Bad Hönningen

It would be simply wrong to view the numerous ferries on the Rhine as mere means of transportation. They are a true institution and belong to the Rhine Valley just like the castles and the wine. They have a long tradition, and the profession of ferry operator has existed on the Rhine since the Middle Ages. The treacherous shallows and rocky outcrops were once dangerous, and only a good connoisseur of the river could safely and dryly transport guests from shore to shore. Even today, skill and experience are needed, as the ferries are part of one of the busiest transportation routes in Europe. The Rhine is an important waterway and continues to play a significant role as a transportation route. Therefore, shipping and ferry operations on the Rhine are not nostalgia but are part of the daily landscape. Bridges are few and far between, mainly concentrated in the region around Koblenz. Upstream and downstream, however, the ferries are typical Rhine inhabitants. Rich in tradition, and even the site of the "Festival of the Flying Bridge" between the neighboring towns of St. Goar and St. Goarshausen. When the first ferry was pulled across the Rhine by cables between St. Goar and St. Goarshausen in the 16th century, the Easter custom surrounding this "Flying Bridge" also emerged: The ferry operator received an egg as a fee from passengers for the crossing at Easter.

Hirzmann GmbH. The ferry for commuter professionals, friendly - fast - reliable. We safely transport you from shore to shore!
Please refer to the homepage for more information.

Rhine ferry Bad Breisig - Bad Hönningen (car and passengers)

From 01.01.2019 until the 31.12.2025

Opening hours:
Monday: 05:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 05:30 - 23:00
Wednesday: 05:30 - 23:00
Thursday: 05:30 - 23:00
Friday: 05:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 05:30 - 23:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 23:00

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56598 Rheinbrohl Römerbergstr. 17
Rheinfähre Bad Breisig - Bad Hönningen
Römerbergstr. 17
56598 Rheinbrohl

Phone: (0049) 02635 3971
E-mail: hirzmann-gmbh@web.de
Web: http://www.faehre-badhoenningen.de/

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