flammendes Herz | © Ulrike Dallmann

00:00 - 23:59

Piktogramme im Kultur- und Landschaftspark Loreley

Loreley 7, 56348 Bornich

The myth of Loreley is connected with many legends.
Pictograms carved in stone symbolically refer to the various stories associated with the Loreley rock.
In a brochure available at Loreley Touristik, the backgrounds of the individual symbols are entertainingly narrated.
Under the heading Recognizing and Concealing, you will also find the Heine poems. The idea and concept originate from Dirk Melzer, landscape architect from Kaub.

On the rays' path, you can rediscover the familiar. The installation "Signs and Legends" can be found along the path. It offers insights into the background of the Loreley myth.

Questions and Answers The multiple echoes of the river's narrows were once called upon as an oracle. Little dwarfs provided answers from the mountain.
Separating and Connecting From bridges and ferries, ships and railway tracks, federal roads - the traffic artery of the Rhine.
Winning and Losing The history of the salmon (salmon).
Protecting and Endangering The Loreley – protection, refuge, or treacherous danger?
Loving and Consuming Blessing and curse of love.
Recognizing and Obscuring Loreley Myth - I don't know what it means...
Occupying and Visiting Who owns the Loreley?
Forgetting and Remembering A national heroine?
Giving and Selling Marketing meets myth.
Coming and Going Everything is in flux, right in the sign of our main artery of the Rhine, which never stands still.

The idea and concept come from Dirk Melzer, landscape architect from Kaub.

Piktogramme im Kultur- und Landschaftspark Loreley

From 20.01.2025 until the 20.01.2030

Opening hours:
Monday: 00:00 - 23:59
Tuesday: 00:00 - 23:59
Wednesday: 00:00 - 23:59
Thursday: 00:00 - 23:59
Friday: 00:00 - 23:59
Saturday: 00:00 - 23:59
Sunday: 00:00 - 23:59

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56348 Bornich Loreley 7
Loreley Touristik GmbH
Loreley 7
56348 Bornich

Phone: (0049)6771 9100
E-mail: info@loreley-touristik.de
Web: http://www.loreley-touristik.de

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