Physalia Mittelrhein
56322 Spay
Regional - sustainable - innovative - that's what Physalia stands for. At Bopparder Hamm and Spay am Rhein, we have dedicated ourselves to fruit cultivation and processing. Our focus is on physalis, which we have proudly introduced as a regional fruit.
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Behind Physalia is the ambitious project of Carlos Beltran and his daughter Martina, aimed at enriching the Middle Rhine Valley with an innovative variety of delights. Since 2010, Carlos has been successfully cultivating Physalis at Bopparder Hamm, and in 2020, Martina joined him enthusiastically. Our goal is to contribute to the diversity of the region by setting innovative accents in the cultivation and processing of fruit. There are no limits to our imagination! From seed to finished product, everything passes through our hands. We take pride in being able to say that.
The products can be purchased online as well as at the sales stand of the Weingut Weingart.