Pfarrkirche St. Peter und Paul | © Stadt Remagen

Pfarrkirche St. Peter & Paul

Kirchstraße 32, 53424 Remagen

St. Peter and Paul is the Catholic parish church of Remagen.

 It stands on the relics of a Roman fort and is essentially a Romanesque-Gothic church with a neo-Romanesque extension.

The oldest part of the church dates back to 1246. Records show that a Christian church existed inside the walls in the 5th century A.D.. The portal leading to the churchyard displays sculptures dating back to the 12th century. In an old part of the church you can see frescos and an altar dating from the 13th century.

Pfarrkirche St. Peter und Paul | © Stadt Remagen
Romanisches Pfarrhoftor | © Kathrin Jungschlaeger

Pfarrkirche St. Peter & Paul

From01.01.2024 until the 01.01.2033

Opening hours:
Monday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Monday: 15:00Clock to 16:30Clock
Tuesday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Tuesday: 15:00Clock to 16:30Clock
Wednesday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Wednesday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Thursday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Thursday: 15:00Clock to 16:30Clock
Friday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock
Friday: 10:00Clock to 12:00Clock

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53424 Remagen Kirchstraße 32
Pfarrkirche St. Peter & Paul
Kirchstraße 32
53424 Remagen


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