Linzer Möhnen | © Linzer Möhnen

Linzer Möhne 1929 e.V.

Asbacherstraße, 53545 Linz am Rhein

Women's power at Linz's oldest carnival club

The Linzer Möhne are a women-only carnival club that was founded in 1929 as the oldest of Linz's carnival clubs. Even back then, women played a prominent role in carnival and were pioneers in many areas. Even today, it is impossible to imagine the Linz carnival landscape without them. With almost 300 members, the Möhne are one of the carnival clubs with the most members. At the top of the organisation are currently 12 Elferrat women with their head Möhne Martina Kremer. The centrepiece is undoubtedly their Möhnesitzung on Heavy Thursday. This grandiose event is always very popular, as the in-house presentations and the fantastic atmosphere are known far beyond the city limits of Linz. Old and young celebrate happily together here - because there is no age limit to being jolly.

Linzer Möhne 1929 e.V.

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53545 Linz am Rhein Asbacherstraße
Linzer Möhne 1929 e.V.
53545 Linz am Rhein


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