Hall of Fame | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Johannes Bruchhof

Graffiti „Hall of Fame“

Weinbergstraße 5-1, 56070 Koblenz

The city of Koblenz's graffiti "Hall of Fame" has been located under the Europabrücke bridge on Weinbergstraße since the bridge was renovated.

The graffiti area under the Europabrücke bridge in Koblenz is a popular meeting place for street artists. This area offers legal walls that have been authorised by the city of Koblenz to promote graffiti art and curb uncontrolled growth in other areas. The areas are regularly redesigned and are particularly popular with the local street art scene. Artists use the large, protected area to create creative, colourful works. The result is a dynamic gallery in the public space that is constantly showing new motifs and styles.

Hall of Fame | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Johannes Bruchhof
Dater127 | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Johannes Bruchhof
Hall of Fame / Dater127 | © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH / Johannes Bruchhof

Graffiti „Hall of Fame“

From 31.08.2023 until the 31.08.2029

Opening hours:

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56070 Koblenz Weinbergstraße 5-1
Graffiti „Hall of Fame“
Weinbergstraße 5-1
56070 Koblenz

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