Bodewigmuseum | © Stadt Lahnstein


Bodewigstraße 32, 56112 Lahnstein


We owe our detailed knowledge of the prehistory and early history of Lahnstein largely to Prof. Dr. Robert Bodewig.

Born in 1857, the teacher of history, geography, Latin and Greek taught at the Realprogynasium in Oberlahnstein from 1890 until shortly before his death in 1923. During this time he intensively researched the history of his adopted home. Among other things, he directed the excavations of the Celtic chariot grave and the Roman Burgus.

During his time as chairman of the Lahnstein Antiquities Association, the building of the local history museum for Oberlahnstein and the district of St. Goarshausen was completed, where many of his finds were exhibited from 1914 to 1945. Today a part of the collection can be viewed in the town museum in the Hexenturm.

The Bodewig Museum is part of the Historical Lahnstein theme path.

Bodewigmuseum | © Stadt Lahnstein
Bodewigmuseum 2 | © Stadt Lahnstein
Bodewigmuseum früher | © Stadt Lahnstein


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56112 Lahnstein Bodewigstraße 32
Bodewigstraße 32
56112 Lahnstein

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