Burg Stahleck | © Sabine Pilger

Blindentastreliefs im Arkadengang des Rathaus

Oberstraße 1, 55422 Bacharach

Ten works of Bacharach sights from the workshop of the artist Hendrike Weber, Stralsund can be felt in the town hall courtyard.

With the support of the Mainz Bingen district's volunteer support program and the Boppard Rotarians, the ladies from the Bacharach Clothing Chamber were able to create the tactile reliefs with Bacharach sights. The artist Hendrike Weber traveled to Bacharach specifically to develop the depiction, looked into the history of the individual buildings and took many photos in order to be able to represent the special features of the historical buildings in as much detail as possible. Now the wall of the arcade is decorated with nine 30 x 40 centimeter works of art made from Westerwald clay, each with a small plate in both conventional and Braille writing. The courtyard is barrier-free and accessible to everyone, even outside the town hall's opening hours

Burg Stahleck | © Sabine Pilger
Reliefs | © Sabine Pilger
Hendrike Weber im Gespräch | © Sabine Pilger
Reliefs Gesamt | © Sabine Pilger

Blindentastreliefs im Arkadengang des Rathaus

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55422 Bacharach Oberstraße 1
Oberstraße 1
55422 Bacharach

Phone: (0049) 6743/1297
E-mail: bacharach.stadt@t-online.de

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